Greenstrum spotted at 10TH PH Electric Vehicle Summit

Greenstrum is an Ayala company. According to Neil Reyes, the country manager, GreenStrum has already installed charging stations at the 30th Mall, Circuit Mall, and Ayala Manila Bay.
It is mostly used for private charging stations by the company GET (Global Electric Transport.)
Greenstrum is the sole distributor of LINCHR EV chargers in the country. The company brings existing technology to the Philippines through LINCHR, which has direct contact with China’s largest EV charging network operator company, which has over 320K charging stations deployed. Its product offering comprises EV charger solutions for residential, commercial, and public spaces, as well as energy storage solutions.
• Integrated DC chargers of 30KW, 60KW, 120KW, and 180KW
• Commercial AC chargers of 7KW/11KW/22KW
• Residential AC chargers of 7KW (L-L, L-N)
Greenstrum ensures long-term and dependable charging operations through its strategic alliance with Ayala Group’s Integrated Micro-Electronics. IMI is a global electronics manufacturing solution provider based in the Philippines that specializes in automotive, industrial electronics, and aerospace markets. IMI provides engineering, manufacturing, support, and fulfillment capabilities to a wide range of industries worldwide from its 22 manufacturing plants spread across ten countries. IMI also serves as a manufacturing partner for LINCHR and other EV charger Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) on the market today.