Toyota partners with Santa Rosa and Pasay cities for free community shuttle, eases commuting with an app

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Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation collaborates with Santa Rosa and Pasay cities to provide the Toyota Community Shuttle (TCS), a free, on-demand, shared transportation service supplied via a digital interface.

TMP is giving each city government a fleet of five (5) brand-new, air-conditioned Toyota Lite Ace vehicles that will travel on flexible routes inside city limits under separate agreements.

Starting December 1, 2023 in Santa Rosa City and December 2, 2023 in Pasay City, the TCS will offer free trips for a year.

“TMP is offering the TCS as part of the Company’s corporate social responsibility and in commemoration of TMP’s 35th anniversary. Through TCS, TMP aims to contribute to improving the quality of life in these communities by providing free, easier, smarter and safer mobility,” TMP president Atsuhiro Okamoto said.

The TCS booking service will be provided through the’myToyota Shuttle PH’ application, which is one of TMP’s mobility service subsidiary, Toyota Mobility Solutions Philippines, Inc. (TMSPH).

The’myTOYOTA Shuttle PH’ app enables effective on-demand shuttle management, including route planning and seat booking. Commuters can easily book their trips using a personal device, monitor the real-time location, and verify the arrival time of the TCS unit via a downloadable mobile application.

“We want to create positive social value in our beneficiary communities through the provision of free mobility. But the TCS is not only helpful in creating a hassle-free ride experience for commuters. It also complements the current efforts of our project beneficiaries towards becoming a smart city and “sustainable eco-city’ through increased connectivity and mobility, among others,” Okamoto added.

Santa Rosa City has been designated as a “Next Wave City” and has ambitious plans to become a “High-level Smart City.” Pasay City, commonly known as the “Travel City,” spearheads efforts to become a “Sustainable Eco City.” Both cities embrace innovation and digitalization to improve their citizens’ quality of life in many sectors, including transportation. This is consistent with TMP’s aim of making people’s mobility easier, smarter, and safer.

In August 2023, TMP celebrated its 35th anniversary with a reinforced commitment to economic and societal progress through its automobile manufacturing and distribution business and mobility-related services.

Toyota anticipates diverse and innovative future mobility solutions centered on “Connected, Autonomous/Automated, Shared, and Electrified” or “CASE” principles.

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Tito Raffy

is Rafael Pedrajita offline. He is the founder of Tech Patrol. He's been a freelancer and a blogger since March of 2010. He married a beautiful woman named Amor. You can follow him on his Social Media accounts in the links below.

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